Can Hamsters Eat Oats? Benefits & Risks

Hamsters have a very specific diet such as pellets and fruits. However, owners often try to add a variety of food to bring a bit of change in their diet. A common question is: can hamsters eat oats?

Oats are a common food staple in most houses. Fortunately, your hamsters can eat oats. It’s a safe and healthy choice for them. But you have to prepare it perfectly so that your hamsters can consume the food without any issues.

Can Hamsters Eat Oats?

Can Hamsters Eat Oats

Hamsters can eat oats, but there are a few things you should keep in mind. Firstly, you can only offer plain, cooked oats to your hamsters. They can eat uncooked oats, but the sharp edges can hurt them.

So avoid giving them uncooked oats. Also, skip the flavored oats or oats that are cooked with other ingredients as these can contain additives that are harmful to your hamsters.

Secondly, oats should only be given to hamsters as an occasional treat, and not as a main part of their diet. Hamsters have very specific nutritional needs, and their primary diet should consist of hamster pellets or cubes that are specially formulated to provide them with the right balance of nutrients.

When giving your hamster oats as a treat, make sure to only give them a small amount at a time. A tablespoon of oats is usually sufficient for a hamster. This will help prevent overeating and potential digestive issues.

Observe your hamster’s response when eating oats. Some hamsters may have allergies or sensitivities to certain foods, including oats. If you notice any changes in your hamster’s behavior or health after giving them oats, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian.

Which Food Is Better For Hamsters – Oats Or Oatmeal?

As discussed, Oats can be a part of your hamster diet. They are a good food option for your pet. It is a good source of fiber and can provide some nutritional benefits for your hamster. It has many health benefits. 

On the other hand, oatmeal is a cooked version of oats that is cooked with milk and fruits. So you cannot feed these types of oatmeal to your hamsters.

You can only offer plain, cooked oats or oatmeal without any additives such as sugar, salt, or flavorings. These additives can be harmful to your hamster’s health.

Moreover, give a small portion of oats or oatmeal. Excessive intake of these nutrients can cause health issues for your hamster. For example, too much pantothenic acid (a type of B vitamin) can lead to diarrhea, cramping, and irritability.

When selecting oats or oatmeal for your hamster, opt for plain rolled oats or quick oats without added salt, preservatives, or sugar.

Health Benefits Of Feeding Oats To Hamsters

Can Hamsters Eat Oats

Oats are a delicious breakfast option for humans and you can also offer it to your hamsters. Here are some health benefits of feeding oats:

1. High fiber content:

Oats are rich in dietary fiber, which helps in maintaining a healthy digestive system for hamsters. The fiber found in oats ensures proper digestion and prevents constipation, which is a common issue in hamsters.

2. Rich in essential nutrients

Oats are packed with essential nutrients. They contain vitamins such as vitamin E, B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin), and minerals like iron, magnesium, and zinc. These nutrients support the hamster’s immune system, promote healthy fur and skin, and ensure proper growth and development.

3. Low in fat

Oats are a low-fat grain, making them an ideal food choice for hamsters. Excessive fat consumption can lead to obesity and health issues in hamsters, so providing them with a low-fat option like oats helps to maintain a healthy weight.

4. Provides energy

Oats are a great source of complex carbohydrates, which provide a slow and steady release of energy for hamsters. This sustained energy release keeps them active and playful throughout the day, allowing for proper exercise and mental stimulation.

5. Dental health

The chewing action required to consume oats is beneficial for dental health in hamsters. The abrasiveness of oats helps to wear down their continuously growing teeth which prevents dental problems such as overgrown teeth or dental malocclusion.

Drawbacks Of Feeding Oats To Your Hamster

You can include oats in a hamster’s diet in moderation, but they should not be a staple food. There are some health risks you need to be aware of.

  • Digestive Issues

Oats are high in fiber, which can be beneficial for human digestion. But, hamsters have sensitive digestive systems. If they consume too many oats, it can lead to digestive issues such as diarrhea or constipation. So you should offer oats as an occasional treat rather than a regular part of their diet.

  • Malnutrition

Though oats do provide some nutritional benefits, they are not a complete and balanced diet for hamsters. If oats become the main staple food in a hamster’s diet, they will miss out on essential nutrients that can lead to malnutrition.

So, provide a varied diet that includes other foods such as fresh vegetables, fruits, and a good-quality hamster pellet.

  • Additives

Various brands of oat products add many types of additives, sugar, flavor, and other ingredients. Many instant oat products have these types of ingredients that can harm your pet.

Also, these ingredients add extra calories that can lead to weight gain. So, you should avoid them and provide plain oats.

How To Prepare Oats For My Hamster?

You can give both dry and cooked oats. However, make sure to choose the right type of oats. Rolled oats or steel-cut oats are the best options for hamsters. Avoid flavored or sweetened oats, as these can be harmful to their health.

Next, measure out the appropriate portion. Generally, a small spoonful of oats is enough for a hamster’s serving. Do not overfeed them. Then cook in the microwave for 30 seconds.

Or you can start by boiling water and adding the oats to a separate bowl. Pour the boiling water over the oats and let them soak for a few minutes until they become tender.

After cooking, cool down the oats before serving and drain any excess water. Serve them at room temperature to avoid burning or discomfort for your hamster’s sensitive mouth. By following these tips, you can make nutritious oats for your hamster.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How often should I feed oats to my hamster?

You can feed oats to your hamster as an occasional treat, once or twice a week. Larger hamster breeds, like Syrians, can have up to a teaspoon of oats every couple of days, while smaller hamsters should have smaller portions.

2. Can hamsters eat oats and honey?

It’s best to avoid feeding oats and honey together to hamsters. Plain oats can be a nutritious treat but honey is not recommended due to its high sugar content. Excessive sugar intake can lead to obesity, dental problems, and other health issues.

3. Can hamsters eat dry oats?

Yes, hamsters can eat dry oats. Plain, dry oats are suitable for hamsters. Still, you should offer it in moderation.


Hamsters can eat oats but you can feed them only in moderation and as a treat. Maintain the proper portion and don’t add any other ingredients.

Besides, you should provide a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs, and always monitor their health and reactions to new foods.

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