If you are a new chinchilla owner, its weird sound-making may confuse you. Chinchillas make different types of sounds, sometimes it may sound like purring.
But, do chinchillas purr? No, chinchillas show their delight by making an audible vibration when their teeth clack and grind. Even though they can make noises that sound like purrs, chinchillas don’t truly purr like cats. They create all sorts of noises for different reasons.
So, how to know why your chinchilla is making weird sounds? We have prepared the answer in brief, let’s find out!
Do Chinchillas Purr?

Even though chinchillas can make sounds that sound like purrs, they don’t really purr like cats do. However, chinchillas show how happy they are by making a loud sound when they talk and grind their teeth.
But sometimes it’s hard to tell them apart because chinchillas that are scared can act like them. To find out how your chinchilla is feeling, pay attention to the sound of its teeth chattering while you play with it. Also, watch out for other behaviors that could mean it is scared, like spitting or hiding.
Why Is My Chinchilla Vibrating?
While chinchillas don’t typically purr, you might mistake its vibrating as purring. However, your chinchilla may vibrate due to several reasons.
When chinchillas are scared or stressed, they may shake. This is because adrenaline is released during the fight-or-flight response. The way they show their fear with their bodies is by shaking, which can happen even when they’re not moving.
Chinchillas may shiver when it gets cold because they are used to living in cooler places. If your chinchilla colds off even in a normal room, make sure it’s not getting too much light or a draft.
If a chinchilla shakes, it could mean it is in pain or sick. Problems breathing, nerve or muscle diseases, a terminal illness, or a high body temperature are all possible reasons. If your chinchilla starts shaking or shows any other signs of illness, you should take it to the vet right away.
Sexual Needs
A male chinchilla may make a little quivering sound when he is excited. When they are trying to mate, they might make little noises as they move in a hug with you or a female.
When chinchillas are happy, they make soft noises that sound like they’re purring. When they’re happy and trusting, they make soft noises and vibrate kindly. This is a fun way for them to spend time with you or other chinchillas.
What Sounds Do Chinchillas Make?

While chinchillas don’t act as the noisiest animals, they still make some distinguishing sounds. Each sound may indicate something phenomenal.
Gentle Squeaking
Chinchillas make a happy sound that sounds like a chirp. They start making this sound when they are born. It’s called “supplication,” and it means happiness and comfort. This chirp is how chinchillas talk to each other and show that they are interested in what’s going on around them.
Persistent Squeaking
A chinchilla will make a steady, soft squeaking sound when it finds something nice, like another chinchilla, a treat, or its owner. It is clear from this sound that the chinchilla is happy and excited right now.
Chinchillas make a loud, harsh bark that is made up of five short sounds. When animals are in a new place or feel threatened, this familiar sound lets them know they are being watched. Chinchilla’s bark to scare other animals, which makes them hide until they think it’s safe to come out.
High-Pitched Shriek
A high-pitched shriek or squeal is used as a warning to show that something is upset or feels unsafe. Chinchillas only do this very rarely, and when they do, it’s usually when they’re trapped or in a lot of pain, stress, or joy. Other chinchillas run away when they hear the warning call, which goes off until the threat is no longer seen.
Grinding Their Teeth
When chinchillas are happy and calm, they make a soothing sound by grinding their teeth. This noise, which is common when the chinchilla is eating treats or being cuddled, shows that it is happy and comfortable.
Chattering Teeth
Chattering teeth is a warning sign that someone wants space or might be angry. The sound that some chinchillas make when they are happy needs to be understood in the context of the animal. By watching your pet’s body language, you can tell the difference between them being calm and upset.
Chinchillas cry when they are upset or in a lot of pain. If you hear this sound coming from your chinchilla, you need to look into it right away.
The cry is like a warning, letting you know that your pet is in a scary or painful situation. If you listen to the cry right away, you can figure out what’s wrong and fix it.
A chinchilla’s wheezing sound, called “kacking,” or spitting, is an angry, defensive sound that means it wants to be left alone. Chinchillas may calm down on their own, but coughing for a long time could be a sign of a problem that needs to be checked out by a vet.
Sounds Of Fighting
Chinchillas fight by barking quickly and irregularly, especially when males are competing for territory, food, or a female. As chinchillas are social animals, they may need different cages if they get into a fight. This shows how important it is to understand and control their social dynamics.
Are Chinchillas Loud?
Chinchillas are not dangerous animal rather they are gentle creatures who make different types of sound. Chinchillas are the loudest at dawn and dusk, which is also when they make the most noise. Noises can be heard when they do things like move around in their box, use their activity wheel, eat, or drink.
If you care about your sleep, you probably shouldn’t keep a chinchilla in your bedroom. During their best hours, chinchillas may make noise and move around naturally, which could wake you up and affect the quality of your rest.
Chinchillas can bark and make other sounds with their voices, but most people don’t think of them as very loud pets. But controlling their environment by doing things like picking out the right accessories can help make the living area quieter for both the chinchilla and the owner.
Understanding which sounds your chinchilla can make is crucial to maintaining a healthy environment for them. Thus, when you ask do chinchillas purr, we bet it is out of concern.
So, know the types of sounds your pet might make and give your hands in times of need.