What Time Do Sugar Gliders Wake Up?

Sugar gliders are a nocturnal marsupial, which means they are primarily active at night. So obviously, you may wonder what time do sugar gliders wake up.

In their natural habitat, sugar gliders typically wake up in the dusk around sunset and remain active throughout the night. When kept as pets, sugar gliders may adjust their sleep schedule slightly to align with their owner’s daily routine. However, they will still maintain their natural instincts of being most active during nighttime.

What Time Do Sugar Gliders Wake Up?

What Time Do Sugar Gliders Wake Up

As a general guideline, pet sugar gliders tend to wake up in the evening, usually between 6 PM and 8 PM. This is when they become more alert, engage in play, forage for food, and exhibit various social behaviors. They typically remain active throughout the night, reaching peak activity levels shortly after midnight.

Keep in mind that sugar gliders follow a consistent and stable routine. A suitable environment with a proper sleep schedule is essential for their health.

If you decide to keep sugar gliders as pets, consider their natural nocturnal behavior and plan accordingly. Provide them with a quiet and dimly lit sleeping area during the daytime. This allows them to get the necessary rest they need to maintain good health and overall happiness.

Sugar Glider Sleeping Pattern

Sugar gliders sleep their half of the day and stay active the other half. They are day sleepers, indulging in a substantial 12-hour rest period that seamlessly aligns with the local sunrise and sunset.

Whether sugar gliders live in the wild or your home, they remain consistent in their sleeping pattern. As you can see this pattern in sugar gliders that originates from the antipodal hemisphere of its Australian which is not their actual root. So their sleeping pattern is deeply rooted in their nature.

The time of sunrise and sunset changes from season to season. Interestingly, sugar gliders seamlessly adjust their sleep schedules in sync with the seasonal shifts. This adaptability is a view of their natural instincts.

Are Sugar Gliders Nocturnal?

The number of nocturnal animals is small in the world and it’s a matter of wonder that sugar gliders are one of them. So their sleeping pattern won’t match us like humans. They are most active during the night. They go to sleep before the sunrise.

Sugar gliders maintain nocturnal habits in every condition and you should keep in mind their nature. So whenever you own sugar gliders as pets, ensure a quiet and dark place in the daytime to support their sleeping habit. So they can sleep peacefully in the daytime.

To make the room suitable for their sleeping, cover the windows and doors with curtains. It will make a naturally dark room. It is the ideal condition for a peaceful nap. Introducing a sleeping bed adds a touch of luxury to their resting place while staying true to their natural habitat.

Are Pet Sugar Gliders Noisy At Night?

Since sugar gliders wake up just before sunset, they are most active at night. In their awakening time, they engage in various activities. So you can notice sounds even in the middle of the night. They usually make barking and crabbing sounds, as these are part of their natural behavior.

Many resemble sugar glider’s barking noise to a small puppy, which is generally tolerable. However, there’s another crabbing noise that may catch your attention. This high-pitched rasping or scratching sound signals fear or a perceived threat. It’s more common if you startle your sugar glider while they’re still getting used to your presence.

Inside their cage, your pet sugar glider might engage in barking as a way to communicate with neighboring sugar gliders. While the chewing of plastic and subtle rattling sounds inside their cage aren’t excessively loud, they can persist throughout the night.

In captivity, sugar gliders feel stress and boredom if they don’t get enough mental stimulation. So you should provide enough toys and hiding places so that they can happily stay engaged. 

Can You Change a Pet Sugar Glider’s Sleeping Habits?

Sugar gliders’ nocturnal sleeping habits may not please pet owners. However, many owners are able to change or adjust their sugar glider’s sleeping habits to better align with their own schedules or routines.

While it is possible to make some slight changes to their sleeping patterns, they still follow their natural nocturnal habit. You should respect their specific sleep needs.

This is their natural biological rhythm and is closely tied to their survival instincts in the wild. If you are attempting to force a sugar glider to be awake during the day and sleep at night can be stressful and detrimental to their health.

However, if you wish to make minor adjustments to their sleeping habits, there are a few strategies you can try. Gradual changes are usually better tolerated by sugar gliders.

You can start by slowly altering the lighting conditions in their enclosure or play area during the day. Increasing the brightness can help encourage them to be more active during daylight hours. Additionally, provide engaging toys and interactive activities during the day. It can help keep them awake and mentally stimulated.

If you are making any changes, do it gradually with careful observation of your sugar glider’s behavior. It may take time for them to adjust to a new schedule, if at all. If you notice signs of stress or unusual behavior, it is best to consult with a veterinarian or an experienced sugar glider owner to ensure the best care for your pet.

Is your sugar glider oversleeping?

Sugar gliders usually sleep for 12 hours during the day. If your gliders seem sleeping for extra hours, there could be a few reasons behind it. While they are known for their daytime sleepers, sleeping more than 12 hours a day might raise some concerns, especially if it’s a sudden change.

Oversleeping could signal an underlying health issue, so you should be attentive. Also, if you notice your sugar glider flipping its sleep schedule, being awake during the day, and napping at night, it might hint at a disrupted sleep routine.

Changes in their environment or growth spurts can also influence their sleep patterns, and most of the time, it’s nothing to be overly worried about. Nevertheless, when in doubt, it’s wise to seek guidance from your veterinarian.

Sometimes sugar gliders go in torpor which is a state where their metabolism and body temperature decrease significantly. This energy-conserving tactic is often observed during winter, but there are various reasons why sugar gliders might slip into torpor.

While in torpor, sugar gliders sleep for extended periods, only waking up to eat. They tend to be less active during this time to maintain a lower body temperature. It’s their way of navigating challenges like winter or resource scarcity. In a domestic environment, there are fewer gliders who go in torpor.


Every sugar glider has slight variations in their individual sleep and wake-up patterns. Most of the time, their sleeping pattern will sync with their natural instincts.

So, their waking time will be around sunset and they will stay active till sunrise. You can try and modify a sugar glider’s sleeping habits.

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