Why Does My Sugar Glider Pee on Me?

As a pet owner, it’s common to have questions about your sugar glider’s behavior, like why does my sugar glider pee on me? While it can be frustrating and confusing, there are several reasons for this behavior.

If your sugar glider occasionally pees on you, it could be a signal that they haven’t fully bonded with you yet. At this stage, they might view you as just another part of their surroundings. But this behavior may not carry the same significance.

Sometimes your glider can pee if they have a recent meal or water intake. They may need to use the bathroom soon after eating or drinking. If you handle them shortly after a meal or a drink, it increases the chances of a bathroom mishap. So, if you find yourself in this situation, it’s not uncommon and could be a part of their natural routine.

Why Does My Sugar Glider Pee on Me?

Why Does My Sugar Glider Pee on Me

Having sugar gliders as pets is a wonderful experience. They are so adorable and affectionate. But sometimes mishaps happen that may disappoint you, just like peeing on you.

So here are some probable reasons for this incident.

Occasional Peeing

It is not uncommon for sugar gliders to pee on their owners simply because of an urgent need. If you are handling and cuddling your little pet at the moment when they need to pee, they will release themselves on you. It’s a natural incident.

Moreover, sugar gliders love to climb into pockets or shirts to stay warm. It is just one of their playful nature. If your sugar glider couldn’t navigate its way out of your shirt or pocket in time, it might have had an urgent need to pee.

Accidents like these can happen occasionally, similar to other animals. It’s not something to excessively worry about, and the frequency may not be as high as you fear. To reduce the likelihood of such mishaps, make sure your sugar glider always has an accessible path to escape.

Scent Marking

Sugar gliders are social animals and use scent markings as a way to communicate and establish their territory. By urinating on you, your sugar glider may be trying to mark you as part of their colony or to assert dominance. This behavior is more commonly seen in unneutered male sugar gliders, as they have a stronger need to mark their territory.

On the contrary, the behavior can be a sign of affection as you take care of it. If you do not pay enough attention, they might pee on you as a testament to the bond you share. Over time, your sugar glider’s cleanliness tendencies may lead it to choose specific areas for such activities, reducing the frequency.

Bladder Issues

Unusual urination habits can be a sign of bladder issues. Like other animals, sugar gliders can experience bladder infections or related problems. If concerned, consult your veterinarian, who can conduct tests to assess your sugar glider’s health.

While bladder issues are less common, ruling them out with professional guidance ensures comprehensive care for your pet.

Frequent Urination Habit

Sugar gliders have a high metabolism and produce urine frequently. They may not have the control to hold their urine for long periods of time, especially when they are in a comfortable and relaxed state, such as when they are on your lap or shoulder.

In these instances, your sugar glider may accidentally release some urine on you.

Stress And Fear

Sugar gliders may urinate on you as a response to stress or fear. Changes in their environment, interactions with unfamiliar people or animals, or even loud noises can trigger this reaction.

It’s important to create a calm and secure environment for your sugar glider to help minimize stress-related accidents.

How To Prevent Your Sugar Glider From Peeing On You?

Sugar Glider Pee

If your sugar glider urinates on you, there are a few steps you can take to resolve the issue.

  • Give a few minutes after they wake up

Allow your sugar glider some alone time for about 30 minutes after waking them up in the afternoon. This gives them the opportunity to pee and poop in their cage before you handle them, reducing the likelihood of accidents.

  • Mealtime in the Cage

Schedule their main meal in their cage to align with their natural elimination habits. After eating, they are likely to pee and poop, so giving them time in their cage before playtime minimizes the chances of mishaps.

Be cautious with treats during playtime as they might also cause urination needs.

  • Read Body Language

Observe your sugar glider’s behavior to recognize signs of impending elimination. If they momentarily still themselves or exhibit specific postures like crouching and lifting their hindquarters, it may indicate their need to go.

Being attuned to these cues allows you to act promptly.

  • Stimulation Techniques

For young gliders, you can use a wet wipe or a damp cotton ball to gently stimulate their perinea area, encouraging them to pee and poop. This mimics the natural behavior where female sugar gliders lick their joeys for the same purpose.

It is possible to contribute to a cleaner play environment by doing this practice at a young age. However, this trick may not work for older gliders.

  • Create a Consistent Routine

Develop a routine by combining the above steps. Feed them their main meal in the late afternoon or evening, allowing 45 minutes to an hour for eating and elimination before playtime.

Consistency in this routine helps your sugar gliders establish good bathroom habits before interacting with you.

Encourage your sugar glider to use a litter box or a designated area for urination. This can be achieved by providing them with a suitable substrate material, such as paper towels or puppy pads, in a specific area of their enclosure.

  • Be Patience

Sugar gliders are intelligent and adaptable animals, but it may take some time and consistency to modify their behavior.

With proper training, positive reinforcement, and an understanding of their needs, you can work towards minimizing accidents and fostering a stronger bond with your sugar glider.

Can I Put A Diaper On My Sugar Glider?

Putting a diaper on your sugar glider is not advisable. Diapers can severely limit their movement, restricting their ability to jump. In turn, it can cause stress to these small, exotic prey animals.

By nature, sugar gliders are not domesticated pets but rather wild animals that we’ve taken into our homes.

It’s essential to create an environment that allows them to express their natural and instinctive behaviors freely. Using diapers goes against this principle, potentially causing discomfort and stress for the glider.

Instead of relying on diapers, consider setting up a play area in a space where cleaning up urine and feces is more manageable.

For instance, some sugar glider owners choose to let their pets play in the bathroom, providing a controlled environment for both the gliders and their owners.


Sugar gliders can pee on you for various reasons. If it is occasional, you may avoid it.

But if your sugar glider’s urination behavior becomes excessive, or if you notice any other concerning changes in their health or behavior, you should consult with a veterinarian who specializes in exotic pets. With their help, you can easily solve the issue.

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